TrunkTight Records LLC is here to provide a one-stop shop for anyone in need of legitimate entertainment services.
TrunkTight Records LLC., was founded in 2015 by Thurmon Flood. The word “Trunk Tight” was a slang term used by Thurmon in the 1990’s that referenced something being: “On-Point”, “I’s dotted and t’s crossed” meaning everything was “Right”.
TrunkTight Records was created with the foundation of creating intelligent artist in the music business. The Digital Age of Computing has surfaced within the music industry and has changed the way we now make money with our music which in turn has placed a high demand on educating the artist so they can make better found decisions with their contracts, licensing, etc… We have come so far in the music industry and creating superb music but we still have an abundance of artist that do not understand their contracts, licensing, publishing, etc…
The TrunkTight Staff is dedicated to changing the way artist understand the life cycles of their music. We are here to educate and build the artist so we can build a better society of songwriters, producers, and artists.
TrunkTight Artist
Creating a Unique Evolution of Music
“Creating a Unique Evolution of Music” has already begun; music media, steaming and video has increased over 90% since 2015. The internet has changed music for the better of the good. Now that such a demand has been set for streaming artist music; TrunkTight Records has formed an entertainment business to help fulfill its purpose of keeping artists in the know of their rightful earned royalties and consumption of monies owed to them.
We are here to obtain a “positive” change within the entertainment business. There is over 70% of artist whom never get what they are rightfully owed from their music due to the following reasons:
Do Not Have a Motivated Team to assist with the artist project
Do Not Have the Financial Backing to finalize the legal makeup of their project
Unwilling to take the extra steps to obtain a great product
Unknowingly illegally use of other artist content/ No Copyrights
No ISRC or UPC Codes assigned to your tracks or CD
The goal/vision set forth for TrunkTight Records is to stabilize these areas of business so we can build a stronger foundation of music and truly brining a new evolution to music.
For any general inquiries, please fill in the following contact form:
© 2020 by TrunkTight Records LLC.,